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Migrant Investor Service

PWA has significant expertise and experience assisting individuals applying for residency via Immigration New Zealand’s investor visa categories.

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Private Wealth Advisers Investor Migrant Service section

"We have specific focus and expertise in this area and work with a team of professionals to assist migrant investors.”

Investor Migrant Service


We can construct an Investment Portfolio that will meet the
“acceptable investment” criteria defined by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) for these specific visa categories.

Full reporting is provided on your investment as part of this service to deliver the necessary evidence to INZ as they require it throughout the application process.

PWA has a specific focus in this area and works with a team of professionals from other firms who are leaders in their fields in assisting migrant investors.

These include experts across the legal, tax, banking and immigration advisory sectors. We work with these specialists to ensure our migrant investors have access to the best advice New Zealand has to offer.

In conjunction with Immigration New Zealand and our team of professionals, we also facilitate webinars and events on the ground (North America in particular). If you are interested in these, please get in touch to find out when the next event is taking place.

Further information is available on


Talk to Private Wealth Advisers.

The team welcomes your enquiry. Our commitment is to be available as required by clients. Your enquiry will be managed with absolute confidentiality.

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