Private Wealth Advisers Family Office

Family Office

PWA understands that high net worth families often face unique challenges. Our team has the skills to assist by providing family office services.

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Private Wealth Advisers Intergenerational Wealth Management section

"We bring empathy, transparency and experience to help solve family issues and achieve our client’s overall goals.”

Family Office


Expertise silos are common, with various professionals employed in the vital activities of legal, tax, investment, accounting and administration, often working with little interaction. Invariably, outcomes improve when the connection between the parties is enhanced.

PWA has the experience and independence to provide a coordinated service that brings the various parties together to provide a unified solution.

The family office concept is relatively new to New Zealand and is a service that traditional financial institutions cannot provide. Clients appreciate our track record of success in this area, with significant value enjoyed by those engaging in the service.

These include experts across the legal, tax, banking and immigration advisory sectors. We work with these specialists to ensure our investors have access to the best advice New Zealand has to offer.

Intergenerational Wealth Management

The challenges of intergenerational wealth management require a specific skill set.

At times, such challenges require professional services outside the financial sector, which are engaged and arranged by PWA as part of the family office service.


Talk to Private Wealth Advisers.

The team welcomes your enquiry. Our commitment is to be available as required by clients. Your enquiry will be managed with absolute confidentiality.

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